The Sit Bones and Where To Sit On Them For Good Posture

 Published On Feb 25, 2020

Find out where to locate your sit/sitting bones and understand how their anatomy affects your posture.

The sit bones or 'ischial tuberosities' are two bony prominences on the lowest part of your left and right pelvic bones, and in sitting become weight-bearing.

Their shape can be compared to the rockers of a rocking chair although their curvature is sharper and more like a hairpin bend.

Which part of the curve we sit on determines the pelvic tilt and the foundation of our sitting posture.

Explore how to use the pelvic rock to discover where is ideal for the spine to come into its best alignment so that you can sit with comfort and ease.

There are many benefits to good posture:

- Less tension, more comfort
- Effortless breathing
- Improved digestion thanks to the natural massage effect of the diaphragm
- Enhanced "core strength" with spontaneous facilitation of the postural muscles
- Reduced incidence of back pain and neck pain

For information about my work and how the Buttafly promotes a good sitting posture, or to book an online consultation, please visit my website.

Yours in Good Health,

Loulou James, MCSP
Spinal Health Specialist
Designer of the Buttafly
Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Yoga Teacher
Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coaching

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