Why I Only Eat Organic Oats Now (Jan 2024): My Pancreatic Cancer Journey

 Published On Jan 17, 2024

In May 2022, my world was turned upside down when I went through the process of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was a brutal wake-up call, forcing me to re-evaluate everything about my life, especially my diet. One of the biggest changes I made was switching to a vegan whole food diet including switching to eating oats that were exclusively organic.

There is a disturbing link between the herbicide glyphosate (the main ingredient in Roundup) and an increased risk of cancer. Glyphosate residues are commonly found in conventional oats, and I wasn't willing to take any chances.

I share my personal story in this video (   • 2022 Summary of Cancer Journey!  ), what I'm doing to combat the cancer in this video (   • How I’m beating inoperable Stage IV P...  ) and in this video I focus more on the bodies that have identified a link or not between glyphosate and cancer, and why I believe organic oats are a crucial part of my journey to staying healthy and cancer-free. In two later videos that I haven't published yet, I'll also share my favorite organic oat porridge recipes.

Join me as I explore:
If you're concerned about cancer, your health, or simply want to make positive changes in your life, this video is for you. Let's take control of our health together, one bowl of organic oats at a time!

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