17 Habits Of Self Made Millionaires | Explained In 5 Minutes
Bob van Buul Bob van Buul
3K subscribers

 Published On Jan 8, 2021

I came across some research showing 17 habits self made millionaires all seem to have. In this video I will go over all 17 habits in about 5 minutes and say whether or not I agree and whether or not the self made millionaires I know have these habits.

Here are the 17 habits:
1. They read consistently
I 100% agree. See my video on 4 books everyone should read here:    • 4 MUST Read Books For Entrepreneurs  

2. They exercise.
If I think about the people I have coached who really became successful, I would say 99% of them do some form of exercise. Just like with business, there are days we don't want to go to the gym, but we know going will bring us closer to our goals.
With business this is the same. Some days are not fun, but you have to push through. I believe regular exercise will not only give a lot of health benefits, but also the mindset you need to become successful.

3. They hang out with other successful people.
'We are the average of the 5 people closest around us' is what they say, and I fully agree.

4. They volunteer
Yes - Either volunteer or give a % of their income to charity. Not only is this very satisfying and makes you feel good, but it's also a place where you will meet a lot of other interesting people.

5. They practice "dream-setting."
Ever heard of Law of Attraction? That is why we must practice dream-setting (full video on this coming soon)

6. They pursue their own goals.
If you simply do what everyone does, you will get the same results as other people. Find out your why an set your own goals and go for them!

7. They sleep at least seven hours a night.
If you don't know already: sleep is the most important thing in our life! Not sleeping enough will not get you faster results, you will slowly kill yourself.
See my full video on sleep here:    • Why You MUST Prioritize Sleep  

8. They get up early
I 100% disagree. Why? check out this video:    • Should You Get Up At 5AM As Entrepren...  

9. They have multiple sources of income
Yes as long as we are talking about passive income. There is a big danger in having multiple income streams as well. Full video on this in a few days.

10. They find and check in with mentors
I believe everyone should have a coach or mentor. It will prevent you from tunnel vision and it is always good to have someone check whether the actions you are taking are aligning with your goals.

11. They help others succeed
Couldn't agree more. Not only is this very fun and good to do yourself, but it also allows you to start being around people who are successful and are grateful towards you. In turn you will learn a lot!

12. They're positive
Again: business is not always fun and there are always bad days. You must stay positive and think in solutions rather then spending a lot of negative energy on seeing downsides.

13. They don't follow the herd
If you want to become truly successful you need to do what works for you and find a blue ocean.

14. They practice good etiquette
The successful people I know all know they need to live up to their promises, wish people happy birthday and in general have good etiquettes.

15. They dedicate 15 to 30 minutes a day to just thinking
I do this every night myself, just sit down and think. Just pausing and sitting down to let your mind be creative will bring you so much!

16. They seek feedback
Even if a client says no, you can still ask for feedback and learn. By asking feedback you will always grow and never waste your time.

17. They never give up
As I said before: nothing goes up in a straight line. You will find yourself in moments where clients leave you or a lot of momentum seems to be lost. You must push through and believe that no matter what life throws at you, you will come out on top.

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