A Conversation Between Two Scientists

 Published On Mar 21, 2024

Watch this video of a conversation between two friends. It gives a glimpse of how a person with hearing loss navigated the world so far, overcoming invisible challenges, by acquiring spoken language. The video also clears some common misconceptions related to hearing loss.

00:00-Dancing using a different strategy
03:39 - First Impressions
04:50 - Hearing is necessary to acquire spoken language
05:19 - From diagnosing hearing loss to enrolling in a special school
07:51 - Early identification and intervention makes all the difference
09:37 - Rigorous LSL training followed at Balavidyalaya to acquire hearing and spoken language skills
13:28 - Learning a second language
15:03 - Integrating into the mainstream, transition to a regular school
17:39 - Inclusive environment is pivotal
20:30 - Navigating group conversations
23:09 - Parents should avoid being overprotective
26:17 - Negative experiences, and the problem of low expectations
30:52 - Facilities provided in public spaces, absence of subtitles on news channels
36:09 - Common misconceptions
36:20 - Hearing aids are not a replacement for natural hearing
38:28 - Concluding remarks

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