Opening of Building 5250 (October 1, 1960)

 Published On Feb 5, 2022

On October 15, 1960, Building 5250, the (then) Army Rocket and Guided Missile Agency’s (ARGMA) new headquarters was formally dedicated. As part of the unique ribbon cutting ceremony for the new structure, the Army Ordnance Missile Command Commander Major General August Schomberg pressed a button which launched a model NIKE ZEUS missile. This model's interception of a model JUPITER missile caused a small explosion that severed the building's red ribbon. Activities at the Open House held in conjunction with the dedication ceremony included a tour of the new building, more than 90 missile contractor exhibits, and actual firings of small missiles at one of the ARGMA test areas. In less than two years (August 1, 1962), the building would have a new sign: U.S. Army Missile Command.

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