The Third Eye, Butterfly in The Dark | Art Romance film, Full Movie HD

 Published On Premiered Jan 27, 2024

Synopsis: The First Run Art Romance Movie "The Third Eye 後窗驚魂之第三隻眼" is about a peeping story. It’s another view of love between modern young people. It's also known as "Butterfly in the Dark"

故事简介: 首映文艺爱情电影《后窗惊魂之第三只眼 The Third Eye》亦名《暗房中燕尾蝶 Butterfly in The Dark》讲述了现代青年男女不同的爱情观。王宇泽饰演的李察,是一个有着社交恐惧症,不愿意与旁人有过多的肢体接触,却通过偷窥来满足自己的内心情感的发泄的可怜人。

出品 Studio: 上海鼎烁影业 Ding Shuo Pictures.
導演 Directed by: 王宾 Wang Bin.
主演 Starring: 王宇泽 Wang Yuze, 曹佳惠 Cao Jiahui, 方倪 Fang Ni, 王子行 Wang Zihang.
題材 Genres:文艺 #art 爱情 #romance #lovestory

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