電影《混社会 4 雾色迷城》阿坤酒池肉林做臥底,女毒梟心狠手辣幹阿坤!| 古惑仔黑帮片 HD

 Published On Premiered Sep 30, 2023

Synopsis: The gangster movie "混社会 4 雾色迷城" tells a story about Jiang Bin who is the leader of the drug trafficking group. In order to defeat Daqing, she heard that the adoptive grandmother of Daqing had a grandson named Longlong. So she sent people to let Longlong get contaminated with drugs. A Kun wanted to use violent means to destroy Jiang Bin's group, but was blocked by Daqing. Jiang Bin sent people to kill Longlong and Grandma, which caused the opposition of Akun and Daqing. A Kun and Daqing will count the plans, let A Kun undercover to Jiang Bin's drug trafficking group to collect evidence, and finally cooperate with the police to destroy Jiang Bin's drug trafficking group.

故事簡介:古惑仔黑幫電影《混社會 4 霧色迷城》影片以在田野裡奔跑的孩子開場,彩色的風車代表了阿坤大慶兄弟美好的童年記憶,然而這種美好被無情打破,收養兩人的祖孫因為犯罪組織迫害去世,兄弟兩人分道揚鑣,阿坤為了親情,友情,兄弟情義,不惜犧牲自己深入犯罪組織內部,最終毀滅罪惡。阿坤代表人性的光輝面,為防止更多人受害,一人孤軍奮戰,展現了善良勇敢,有情有義,敢於拼搏的精神品質。而以蔣斌為首的罪惡勢力則代表人性的惡,他們貪婪冷血,自私自利,失去做人的底線。

出品 Studio: 星火兄弟影業 Star Fire Brothers Picture.
製片人 Produced by: 杜濤 Du Tao.
導演 Directed by: 賈凱 Jia Kai.
編劇 Screenplay by: 王森 Wang Sen, 張陽 Zhang Yang.
主演 Starring: 文慶 Wen Qing, 王森 Wang Sen.
題材 Genres: #黑幫 #古惑仔 #gangster #混社會

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