What is High Blood Pressure? (Arabic عربي)

 Published On Apr 23, 2024

#health #wellness #hypertension

What is High blood pressure?
When someone has high blood pressure, it means that their heart is working harder to pump blood throughout the body. This increased effort can lead to many health problems.

Why is it a Problem?
If left uncontrolled, long-standing high blood pressure can have harmful effects on your heart and overall health. It increases the risk of developing heart disease and can leave you feeling fatigued and unwell.

How Do You Know If You Have High Blood Pressure?
You can determine your blood pressure by using a simple test. A cuff is placed around your arm and gradually inflated to measure the pressure. If the reading is elevated, it may indicate that you have high blood pressure. If you or your family think they have high blood pressure, talk to your primary doctor about it. Don’t take medications that are prescribed for others, even if you have the same symptoms as them.

How Can You Prevent or Control High Blood Pressure?
Certain foods can cause high blood pressure, including eating salty food and not exercising. Sometimes, it runs in families too. To prevent or control your high blood pressure, make sure you eat healthy. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid too much salt and fatty foods.
Exercise: Move your body more. Even walking a little every day can help.
Lose Weight: If you need to, losing a few pounds can make a big difference.
Don’t stress: Try to relax and not worry too much. Stress can make your blood pressure go up.
What Can You Do If You Have High Blood Pressure?
Don't worry if you discover that you have high blood pressure. Doctors can assist. They may administer medication to help your heart work. Keep in mind to take your medication as directed and to listen to your doctor.
Thank you to our sources who provided information for this video and to our interpreter today. Thank you to Milwaukee Public Schools for providing interpretation. This project is funded in part through a City of Milwaukee grant of federal community development funds.

Thank you to our sources who provided information for this video. Thank you to our partners at Milwaukee Public Schools. This project is funded in part through a City of Milwaukee grant of federal community development funds.


Google Slide (High blood pressure)
World Health Organization(WHO), 2023

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