Pink Floyd Pigs Three Different Ones 1977
ThinkFloyd61 ThinkFloyd61
313K subscribers

 Published On Jun 21, 2023

Pink Floyd 1977-02-03 - Zurich Recorder 1 excerpt, unknown gen [24-96]
Hallenstadion, Zurich, Switzerland 3 February 1977

A raw, high resolution transfer of what are almost certainly the previously missing tracks taped by recorder 1. Recorder 1 is the version of the concert that is about 83 minutes long and the best generally circulating copy is a DAT - CDR. This taper made arguably one of the best stereo audience recordings of Pink Floyd's 1977 European tour.

The exciting thing about the tape, other than it being a very strong stereo recording, is that before now it was assumed that POTW2 and Pigs were simply not recorded. Unfortunately Kbrubaker's tape contains only these two songs. They appear to have been added as fillers, along with the copy of WTTM mentioned by Littlepieces below.

*Littlepieces' Notes On This Recording*

-This is 1977-02-03 since Roger can clearly be heard saying "eight" at ~3.11m and ~11.32m of Pigs.

-During POTW, Part 2 you can here the same applause, whistles, yells, and feedback as on recorder 2 for 1977-02-03.

-Not recorder 2 as that is mono and lessor quality.

-Not recorder 3 (Pacco) as that is mono, recorded from the rear of venue and much lesser quality.

-Though possible, seems extremely unlikely that it is the recorder 4 Grolsch mentioned in Pacco's original 16-44 recorder 3 torrent. Recorder 4 is supposed to be mostly incomplete tracks due to many reel changes. The chances that these are recorder 4 tracks that are complete and have the same output level/pattern across spectrum as those found on recorder 1 seems very remote.

Conclusion: Since the HQ stereo audience recorder 1 is missing Potw pt2 and Pigs and this recording is of 1977-02-03 and is also a HQ stereo audience recording that is not apparently any of the other recorders, then it seems reasonable to conclude that they are the missing tracks from 1977-02-03.

Additional Note: Kbrubaker's tape also contained a very poor quality recording of 'Welcome To The Machine' that is not from the 3rd. After EQing it to make Dave's vocals more audible, it's clear he is not laughing during the lyrics to 'Welcome To The Machine' at ~5m as he is on the 2-3 recordings.

Kbrubaker Cassette / Neonknight Tape Transfer (April 2012)

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