How to Get Rid of Pill Bugs (Wood Lice, Roly-Polies)
Solutions Pest & Lawn Solutions Pest & Lawn
153K subscribers

 Published On Sep 3, 2021 Click the link to learn more about pill bugs and shop the professional-grade products featured in this video!

Shop for Bifen L/P Insecicide Granules here!

Shop for a bifenthrin-based insecticide here!

Shop for a 20-gallon hose-end sprayer here!


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Introduction: 0:00
Step 1: Identification: 0:44
Step 2: Inspection: 1:55
Step 3: Treatment: 3:17
Step 4: Prevention: 5:55


In contrast to their name, pill bugs aren’t insects or arachnids, or any kind of bug pest. They’re actually crustaceans that have adapted to live on land. They’re more closely related to lobsters and shrimp, and they even have gills! Pill bugs will grow to be about ¼ to ¾ of an inch in body length. Pill bugs have 7 pairs of legs, a pair of antennae, and they’re usually bluish-gray to black in color. Their bodies are ovular shaped, and they can curl up into a round ball when disturbed. Other names for pill bugs include ‘wood lice,’ ‘wood shrimp,’ and ‘doodlebugs.’

Pill bugs thrive in damp, dark areas that provide enough dead plants or moisture. A pill bug’s diet mostly consists of decaying plant matter, or if there’s none around, they’ll eat newly sprouted grass or plant seedlings. These habitats are found underneath fallen leaves, rocks, logs, moist soil in fields, grassy areas, gardens, plant beds, potted plants, and ornamental landscaping.

To eliminate pill bugs from your property, you’ll need to spread a granular insecticide over your lawn, followed up with a liquid broadcast treatment. For your granular application, we recommend you use Bifen LP Insecticide Granules. Bifen LP is a ready-to-use insecticide made with bifenthrin that controls many types of pests, including pill bugs. In turf, you’ll apply this product with a push spreader at the labeled rate of 4.6 pounds per 1,000 square feet of treatment area. You can also use a hand spreader for smaller applications.

Once you’ve finished your Bifen LP application, it will need to be watered in to be activated and pushed into the soil. You can do this with your liquid broadcast treatment. For you’re liquid application, we recommend you use a liquid insecticide concentrate with 7.9% bifenthrin. You’ll apply this product at a rate of 0.25 to 0.5 fluid ounces per 1,000 square feet of treatment area. We recommend you use a 20-gallon hose-end sprayer since you’ll be making a large volume broadcast application.

Since pill bugs require some degree of moisture to live, there are several things you can do to make your property less inviting for pill bug activity. Start by removing pill bug harborages by raking away fallen leaves and picking up other debris on the ground. Next, you may need to start mowing your grass shorter, trimming overgrown shrubbery, and trimming back overgrown tree branches. This will reduce shade on your lawn, encouraging more water evaporation. To stop pill bugs from invading your home, you’ll need to seal and close any potential entry points you may have found. Tight cracks and crevices may be filled with caulk, while larger voids may need to be stuffed with copper mesh. You may also need to repair any torn screens or affix brush or rubber seals onto doors and windows. Finally, you’ll need to follow up on your granular and liquid insecticide applications with timed retreatments. Bifenthrin-based products like Bifen LP leave a lasting residual that will control pests for up to 90 days. We recommend you make treatments quarterly for year-round control.

Click the link to learn more about pill bugs and shop the professional-grade products featured in this video!

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