1.2 Classification of Grahas

 Published On Apr 15, 2024

The Lajjitaadi Avasthas, equips you with the knowledge necessary to master your life and attain a state of well-being resulting in a healthy life free from mental, energetic, emotional, and physical ailments.

* Achieving freedom from mental illnesses provides wisdom, enabling you to understand your place in life and your true self. This understanding is crucial for cultivating the right relationships.

* Freedom from energetic diseases empowers you to engage with life in a manner that aligns with your individuality.

* Being free from emotional afflictions brings about peace, which not only brings intrinsic rewards but is also vital for successful human connections.

* Freedom from physical diseases allows you to use your body to pursue activities that are significant to you.

Reflect on your life—does it feel right for you? Are the people in your life compatible with who you are? Are you finding joy in being your authentic self? If not, delving into the study of your Lajjitaadi Avashtas will guide you toward achieving a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

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