A Concert Exercise For Classical Guitar by Ferdinando Carulli from Op. 114

 Published On Apr 28, 2024

Carulli's didactic music was ment to be played in concert.

Op. 114 is known as a collection of Preludes, pure arpeggio exercises the name prèlude was given to.

Actually op. 114 is a broad collection of 48 Preludes an 24 Morceaux: pieces that combine the purpose of learning - the compositions are divided in 4 graded sets from beginner's level to very advanced - with real concert pieces.

Part 2 of op. 114 opens with a set of three pieces is in A-Minor (2nd level): the two preludes, one melodic, the second with arpeggios, prepare for the main piece, a Sicilienne (larghetto espressivo) with an Allegro agitato.

You could have expected to hear these three pieces in a concert performance in a bourgeoise salon in Paris in the 1820s: the student would have played the written preludes, the master would have improvised them.

Find the score for free on my dropbox: subscribe to my newsletter to access. http://eepurl.com/iC22SU

00:06 Carulli: The Real Op. 114
01:03 Prelude 1: Melodic Improvisation
01:49 Listen To Prelude 1
02:42 Interlude And Scales
03:41 Feel The Contrast F#-F
04:16 Prelude 2: Performance
05:25 Be Surprised!
06:00 Harmonic Rhythm Speeds Up
06:38 La Sicilienne: Form
07:43 Agitation Unites The 3 Movements
08:30 How Agitation Is Composed
10:00 Performance On A Period Guitar: Prèlude 1
10:44 Prèlude 2
12:24 Sicilienne - Larghetto espressivo
16:00 Allegro agitato

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