Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence | Dr. Asif Qamar

 Published On Jul 15, 2023

Dr. Asif Qamar talks about the AI revolution happening right now and the need for deeply trained scientists and engineers who can be a part of the revolution. Dr. Qamar is Founder and Chief Data Scientist at SupportVectors.

Over more than two decades, Asif’s career has spanned two parallel tracks: a profound technical researcher, architect, and passionate educator.

With his Masters in Computer Science from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and Masters and Doctoral Studies in Theoretical Physics from Syracuse University, Asif has worked on various projects. He has worked with NASA and NCSA, Medisavant as a Co-Founder, UC Berkeley as an Instructor, and Oracle. Today, he is the Vice President and Chief Analytics Architect at Cornerstone OnDemand in addition to being the President, the CEO, and a Lecturer at SupportVectors.

While he primarily spends his time technically leading research and development efforts, he finds expression for his love of teaching in the workshops he offers over the weekends. Through this, he aims to mentor and cultivates the next generation of great technical craftsmen.

This talk was delivered at the Muslim Community Center - East Bay (MCC East Bay) in Pleasanton, California on Friday, July 14, 2023.

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