BBRG PRESENTS: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on Situating Feminism
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 Published On Apr 1, 2010

BBRG PRESENTS: Annual Keynote Talk - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Situating Feminism

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, University Professor and Director of the Center for Comparative Literature and Society, Columbia University

This presentation will attempt to situate feminism geographically, in terms of the triumph of the Euro-specific (even Anglo-specific) model, in terms of the history of both of Marxism and Capitalism. It will trace feminisms itinerary through both coloniality and globalization. It will also attempt to situate feminism historically in terms of the provenance of what we at radical U.S. universities call feminism and see how it reflects on the development of mobility among women in terms of not only capital but also the great engines of world governance.

Organized by: The Beatrice Bain Research Group

Co-sponsored by: Department of Comparative Literature, Department of Rhetoric, Department of Sociology, Department of Gender and Women's Studies- Li Ka Shing Lectures, Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies, English Department, Townsend Center for the Humanities, Center for Race and Gender, Center for South Asia Studies, Department of Geography, Center for the Study of Sexual Cultures, the Designated Emphasis in Critical Theory, and the Townsend Center Working Group on Muslim Identities and Cultures

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