Cooper our Golden retriever 2nd seizure today September 18th 2016

 Published On Sep 18, 2016

●update 2yrs later: Cooper continues to have seizures regularly. Of all things I've tried to being him out of one, I've found that if I sing "Monday Morning" by Death Cab for Cutie - he comes to quicker.

A week ago we bathed Cooper in Hartz flea shampoo & a few hours later he had a massive major violent seizure. Today exactly a week later he had two seizures. This video is the end of the second seizure. I am not sure now how many he may have had during the week while we were out of the house at work or doing errands.

He has never had seizures before and he is 4.5 years old. We bathed him immediately after linking the seizure with the flea shampoo...since we had came across information on many others having seizures and even DEATH.. from the website Hartz ******

But we bathed him to get that off of him, but I think it's still is affecting his central nervous system.

Please do your research before using any flea products.



Golden retrievers, seizure, Hartz Flea shampoo victims, dog seizure, singing to dog during seizure, I love golden retrievers, Hartzvictim, flea, flea shampoo, dog seizure,

#dogseizure #goldenretrieverseizure 
#hartzvictim #hartzflea  #hartzfleashampoo

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