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 Published On Apr 27, 2024

LeetCode 2379. Minimum Recolors to Get K Consecutive Black Blocks

You are given a 0-indexed string blocks of length n, where blocks[i] is either 'W' or 'B', representing the color of the ith block. The characters 'W' and 'B' denote the colors white and black, respectively.

You are also given an integer k, which is the desired number of consecutive black blocks.

In one operation, you can recolor a white block such that it becomes a black block.

Return the minimum number of operations needed such that there is at least one occurrence of k consecutive black blocks.


Time Complexity = O(n), where 'n' is the length of the string

Space Complexity = O(1)


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My name is David and I am a software engineer at Meta. My passion is teaching software devs how to pass the grueling technical interviews to help them land their 6-figure dream tech job.

I have received 3 six-figure offers from Google, Meta, and Amazon.



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