Augmented Reality (AR) In Education (EXTENDED)
EduTech EduTech
446 subscribers

 Published On Nov 29, 2020

Augmented reality in education is surging in popularity in schools worldwide. Through augmented reality (AR), educators are able to improve learning outcomes through increased engagement and interactivity.
AR is evolving to become more cost-friendly, accessible, effective, and essential – including in grounding schoolchildren with the competencies and knowledge required to collaborate with others and get ahead in careers of the future.

A strategic factor that can increase their effectiveness and confidence in these areas will be to design open-ended lessons that enable them to follow their own pursuits. One significant reason for doing so: taking ownership of projects helps increase a student’s feeling of responsibility and engagement with the material. AR can even blur the lines between textbook material and educator- or student-created content.

Kesim, Mehmet & Ozarslan, Yasin. (2012). Augmented Reality in Education: Current Technologies and the Potential for Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. (free stock videos)

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P.S. This is the extended version with no voiceover. For voiceover video click the link    • AUGMENTED REALITY IN EDUCATION  

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