TMJ Pain: Jaw Alignment vs Bite Correction
Face Lift Dentistry Face Lift Dentistry
11.3K subscribers

 Published On Aug 15, 2023

#tmjpain #tmjtreatment #tmj #faceliftdentistry #venlay #jawtrac #dentalfacelift #sammuslin

After 47 years, Dr. Sam Muslin has retired.
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From Skeptic to Believer: My Transformational Journey with Face Lift Dentistry® 🦷

Ever encountered a solution that seemed "too good to be true"? That's how I felt about this treatment, especially when I'd been told only jaw surgery could fix my small chin and short-looking lower face. But here's the truth: a weak facial profile is often because an overbite pushes the jaw backward. This can lead to jaw pain, neck pain, and added stress.

I learned that braces and aligners couldn't help me. Why? My teeth were simply too small for my face. But with Face Lift Dentistry®, I found relief and achieved the jaw position nature intended for me.

🔸 Why is this treatment so unique?
It doesn't hurt! No drilling down of healthy teeth, even if they're worn. Instead, a custom porcelain layer is added atop each tooth, offering protection, reducing sensitivity, and delivering a jawline, bite, and facial proportion superior even to porcelain veneers.

🔸 The Results?
Beyond cosmetic. This method is faster, safer, and enhances facial support. It's not just about a stunning smile but also about a healthier jaw position, improved facial profile, and immense self-confidence.

Discover Face Lift Dentistry® – the pinnacle of dental healthcare that's transforming smiles and lives. Say goodbye to tension and hello to newfound confidence! 🌟"
Sam Muslin DDS

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