Virtual Cash Flow in the Latest Global Energy Budget | Independent Climate Research 231017
Yong Tuition Yong Tuition
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 Published On Oct 16, 2023

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Have you ever heard of virtual cash flow investment? Or do you know anything about pyramid selling? But, you might react, what have these ideas anything to do with weather and KLY mate?

3.Well, you will see how such seemly remote ideas can be identified in the state-of-the-art global energy budget which has been built at billions of dollar over the past 70 years by humans.

4.Are you ready? Let’s go and have fun!

5.This is the global energy budget diagram updated by an UN organization to convince humans that several trace gases in the atmosphere, such as the plant food and ox fart, can both stabilize and destroy a planet called Earth.

6.All of the numbers are in unit Watt per meter square. So I will only use the numbers in this talk.

7.To help you understand this diagram which is full of magical but visible numbers, I would like to separate the atmosphere and the condensed-matter surface, including land and oceans. Like so.

8.In fact, this was exactly what Arrhenius did in 1896 when he tried to work out a model for explaining how CO2 might act of a control knob either to make the earth go to another Ice Age or warm up his motherland by 4 degree C.

9.Let’s have a close look at the top of the atmosphere. You can use primary school arithmetic to work out the net energy flow, or cash flow, is 340 -101 -239 equal to zero.

10.If you assume the outer space is a bank and the planet is you, then you could argue your account is balanced, but the two-way cash flow are irrelevant.

11. Now, let’s focus on this gap of vacuum between the surface and the atmosphere, you can see one big arrow upward which denotes the assumed surface infrared radiation at 390; and a downward arrow that represents the back infrared radiation, 333, calculated based on Greenhouse effect hypothesis.

12.As a result, the net infrared radiation from the surface is just 57. This is similar to pay your mortgage for a house by partially using your rental income, isn't it?

13.Now quite. Because the back radiation is generated by using the upward surface radiation. If you were the surface and the atmosphere the payee, would you pay more than what you’re owned to a stranger and expect this person will pay you back?

14.Perhaps someone might argue what’s wrong with this? This is how we over pay tax and obtain certain amount of return at the end of a financial year.

15. But, don’t forget, heat is not digital currency, it is driven by temperature difference between two places. Who will pay the operation cost for driving energy flow? Do you think it is free of work to transport heat from a cold object to a hot one?

16.Well, one might think of those virtual cash flow schemes, in which an investor get more money than his or her initial investment from newcomers. Think about it. And think it again. This appears the most absurd part of the G-house effect hypothesis.

17.If the back radiation from those trace gasses is as strong as solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere, as shown in in this diagram why don’t people design a thermal engine to harvest, or harness, the back radiation near the surface day and night? This could solve humans’ energy supply problem once for all.

18.Unfortunately, such a back infrared radiation by the imagined greenhouse in the atmosphere is imagined, too, although many well-trained physicists and meteorologists have made their endorsement on this hypothesis since 1896, from both sides of the silly debate in human’s history.

19.As far as the balance sheet is concerned in this diagram, the total thermal energy budget is about 521, according to Dr Harde, including the 239 shortwave radiation from the sun, 390 infrared radiation from the surface, and the 108 non-radiation deficit.

20.In other words, the treasury of Republic of Atmosphere can spend its energy at 521 every moment. But, the question is, who will make the decision in re-distributing the energy?

21. Common sense tells us it depends on whether the government is democratically elected or not. Besides, whether Republic of Atmosphere adopts to Capitalist free-market economy or Socialist with Chinese characteristics economy.

22. Well, in history, the decision, based on my independent investigation so far, was first made by Arrhenius in 1896, who argued that the upward infrared radiation should be equal to the downward infrared radiation, or commonly called “back radiation”. Equlity for all. Legalite pour tous.

23.We may say Arrhenius assumption is politically correct, but thermodynamically wrong. Because, as you can see here, the surface underneath is much colder than the outter space.

25.By the way, the two percentages are very close to the voting results in Australia two days ago

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