How I Balance My Metabolism and Hormones with PCOS

 Published On Apr 20, 2022

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For the past few weeks, I've been using the Lumen to help with my PCOS symptoms and I love it!

Your metabolism and hormones are closely connected. When you have PCOS, both can be thrown out of balance. This video explains how insulin and androgens get out of sync and cause annoying PCOS symptoms like hirsutism, hormonal acne, belly fat, fatigue, and PCOS weight gain.

I'll also share how the Lumen helps me break this vicious cycle of insulin resistance and high androgens by recommending the best diet for my unique type of PCOS. In short, the Lumen can help you hack PCOS.

After using The Lumen, I found out that my metabolic flexibility was good but not great. I'm using the real-time feedback Lumen provides to fine-tune my PCOS lifestyle and prevent insulin resistance.

Thank you to Lumen for partnering with me on this video.

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