Everything wrong with our bathroom in 3 and a half minutes
Making A Home Making A Home
1.24K subscribers

 Published On Jul 1, 2021

Of all the rooms in our new house, the bathroom has to be the most depressing. Join us on this exclusive tour of misery, as we document all of the issues with our bathroom, and marvel in its many grubby delights. As you watch, think to yourself, how did anyone actually live like this. That's what I say to myself every time I have to fill the toilet with a bucket, or look at my slowly sagging body reflected in the mirror on the end of the bath.

#DIY #Bathroom #Funny

This is Making A Home, a channel about two somewhat naive DIY enthusiasts, trying to wrestle some home improvements into a somewhat reticent old house, kicking and screaming all the way. We WILL make you into a nice house, dammit! Even if it destroys us in the process! Renovate or die, that's our motto.

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