How To Prove Emotional Abuse In A Michigan Divorce - ChooseGoldmanlaw

 Published On Sep 4, 2022


0:00 Introduction To Firm
0:48 Proving Different Types Of Abuse
2:15 Proving Emotional Abuse

How To Prove Emotional Abuse In A Michigan Divorce #ChooseGoldmanLaw

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Each party in a Michigan divorce will try to get as much from the negotiations. In pursuing their agenda parties may exaggerate claims such as emotional abuse. Courts in Michigan are not not known to deviate from the 50/50 rule of equitable distribution when framing a decision. Proving emotional abuse may not be a compelling or extenuating circumstance to decide the outcome of the divorce. To prove emotional abuse however, in the context of protecting children may be a different perspective altogether. Courts in Michigan will rather err on the side of protecting children, so emotional abuse against children will get a fairly considerable hearing. Your attorney would know how to leverage emotional abuse.

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