GRDC RD&E Plan 2023-28 pillar: Grow markets & capture value

 Published On Jan 3, 2024

GRDC's RD&E Plan 2023-28 outlines GRDC's investment strategy for RD&E to create enduring profitability for Australian grain growers. GRDC will do this through 4 strategic pillars:

- Harness existing potential
- Reach new frontiers
- Grow markets and capture value
- Thrive for future generations.

This video showcases our investment into the 'Grow markets & capture value' pillar that aims to see growers have access to a diversity of markets and get more for the crop.

In today’s highly competitive world, customer needs and expectations are changing. What food, feed and energy does the world need, now and into the future?

Where are the markets for Australia’s grain, and how do we keep our supply chain globally competitive? What do we need to do to grow markets, and capture more value for Australian growers?

Investing to understand each possibility means we’ll breed, grow, classify and supply grain that markets prefer. By seizing opportunities, we can be the first to move into new and emerging markets and grow or protect existing markets, to provide choice and manage risk.

We’ll look across the supply chain, to explore ways to lower post farm gate costs, remain globally competitive and put more money in growers’ pockets.

At GRDC, we’re investing in new ways to support growers’ enduring access to markets, to remain competitive and ‘get more for the crop’ – to deliver choice and opportunity for Australian grain growers. For a better tomorrow.

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