The Water Margin Inn | Chinese Time-Travel Comedy film, Full Movie HD

 Published On Premiered Dec 2, 2023

Synopsis: The comedy movie "The Water Margin Inn 水浒客栈" is about a time-travel story. Three idots were transpoted to Water Margin in Song Dynasty by chance. They needed to find a secret "Water Margin Book" to transport back without few clues. They had to settle down in a Water Margin Inn, selling theri labor to make a life. Then they met the legendary persons at that time: Song Jiang, Li Kui, Yan Qing etc. and aslo a beautiful girl waitress Liu Ruoxi, Finnally a romantic love came and they had to make a choice to leave or stay...

故事簡介: 穿越喜劇電影《水滸客棧 Water Margin Inn》講述宋將兄弟三人在一次觸電意外來到了宋朝的大街上,還碰到了偶像燕青和李逵與官兵打架熱鬧之後撤走。 無奈的三人為了生計三人使勁了各種招數,卻在城門附近的告示上看到了神奇的通緝令,並且遇到了前任女友娜娜。 三人跟著柳若曦走進了水滸客棧,並藉水滸客棧招人之際,進入了水滸客棧。 三人為追柳若曦各施策略,同時為客棧良好的經營出謀劃策,盡心盡力。 期間他們又遇到神祕人物的飛磚傳書,提示三人書在他那裡。 不料,客棧對面的醉仙樓老闆白富眉一直想搞垮水浹客棧獨霸生意,不斷的挖走水滸客棧的伙計,並且還時常惦記著客棧裡的柳若曦,並且使出多種手段要搞垮水滸客棧, 但在宋將幾人的多種努力讓白富眉一敗塗地。 然而正當大家皆大歡喜時,神秘人的出現再次激起所有人的風怒,惡戰之時,及時雨宋江、燕青、李逵的到來挽救了水滸客棧,但是柳若曦卻不幸倒在了神秘人的飛鏢之下 。

出品 Studio: 北京博源恆通影視 Boyuan Henhtong Film, 網路電影集團 IFG.
製片 Produced by: 張亮 Zhang Liang.
導演 Directed by: 史冰 Shi Bing.
編劇 Screenplay by: 史冰 Shi Bing.
主演 Starring: 毛樂 Mao Le, 張靖涵 Zhang Jinghan, 肥龍 Fat Dragon, 曹元泰 Cao Yuantai, 劉婉婷 Liu Wanting.
主題 Genres: 喜劇 Comedy, 穿越 Time-Travel.

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   / @moximusic  

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