Unzicker annoys string theorists by asking about Witten's responsibility
Unzicker's Real Physics Unzicker's Real Physics
43.5K subscribers

 Published On Jul 30, 2013

Unzicker's (author of "Bankrupting Physics", Palgrave Macmillan, and of "The Higgs Fake") comment after Witten's public lecture at the string 2012 conference.

"This was an impressive talk. I am sure many people are impressed. I am also sure that with your work you are making the best out of your extraordinary capabilities.

I am not quite sure however if you are fully aware of the responsibility towards science, the search for the laws of nature.... It was Isaac Newton who said that Nature created everything by number, weight and measure. Thus it is the theoretical physicists business to predict numbers the experimentalit's business to measure these numbers. And as everybody can see, supersymmetry and string theory, in the past thirty years, did not devliver a single result which Isaac Newton had called physics.

So, aren't you afraid of being the scientific leader of an entire epoch of physics that might lead to nowhere? Aren't you afraid of misguiding the concentrated intelligence of seven billion people on a planet? (chairman tries to interrupt)

Of course, nobody can prove you wrong, but it's the history of science which gives a clear indication: the real revolutions of physics have always been pushed forward by skeptic individuals, never by the euphoria of the many. And this is where your problem lies.

Your risk is that you are playing mathematical games of which their link to reality is still a promise, concepts of which the link to the physical realiy you do not understand. Thus I'd like to urge you to reflect your role in science. Please, get back to reality."

Answer:    • Unzicker vs Witten  

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