The Obstacles to My Journey to Allah ﷻ: Anger

 Published On Streamed live on Jun 14, 2022

Everyone occasionally gets angry for something we or someone else did. The question we need to ask ourselves is: Am I getting angry for the sake of Allah ﷻ, or this is my ego getting angry because I heard something that is not pleasing to me?

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “A strong man is not one who physically overpowers others. A strong man is one who controls himself when angry.” (Bukhari, Muslim).

Join us in this week's Tuesday Night program, and learn strategies for dealing with this vice.

TNP time: 6.30 pm PST. Compare your time zone HERE:
The program will be in-person at the Rahma Center and live-streamed on our YouTube and Facebook pages.

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