First Drive with OpenPilot v0.8.1 on Comma Two

 Published On Dec 10, 2020

Installed master-ci on my Comma Two again (instructions below) to test out the latest version of OpenPilot v0.8.1

It does not seem like there are any apparent changes from the release version of v0.8 that affect the driving manner. I will continue to stay on the branch and report back with any news!

Comma Two installed in a 2020 Toyota Rav4 Hybrid LE with Blind Spot Monitoring (TSS2)

Comma is a startup lead by CEO George Hotz aiming to solve self driving vehicles of the future while offering present solutions for purchase and use. Our future will be an autonomous one, and OpenPilot is the solution to give current cars the ability to reach Level 2 autonomous driving for a growing number of cars already on the road.

To load "Preview/master-ci" Build:
1) SSH into Device using Putty or Workbench
2) Input Command:
cd /data && rm -rf openpilot && git clone -b master-ci && reboot
3) Chill Drive with Care

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