Olivier Messiaen’s 3rd Mode. Used by Coltrane, Holdsworth and Zappa!!!
463 subscribers

 Published On Apr 28, 2024

Olivier Messiaen’s 3rd Mode. Used by Coltrane, Holdsworth and Zappa!!!

First place the notes into a seven-note scale,
with the following intervals: 1,2,b3,b4,b5,bb6,bbb7.
Starting on C:
C,D,Eb,Fb,Gb,Abb,Bbbb. Abb sounds like G. Bbbb is
The same frequency as Ab.

The same intervals are played from the note E;
which is the same frequency as Fb in the scale above,
which started on C.
Starting on the note E:
The intervals are: 1,2,b3,b4,b5,bb6,bbb7.

The same Intervals are played from G#; which is
notated as Ab in the scale above.

1, 2, b3,b4,b5,bb6,bbb7 are the intervals.
G#,A#,B,C,D,Eb,Fb are the notes.

Overlapping two scales gives the following triads:
Minor, Major, Augmented, and both Major and Minor
with b5’s. In addition, all triads have access to both Major
and Minor 7ths.

This scale uses nine of a possible 12 frequencies.
Interestingly, the three remaining notes are:
F, which is the fourth of C.
A, which is the fourth of E.
C#, which is the fourth of G#. These three notes are also an
Augmented Triangle, or Triad. So, all the same things apply
As the C,E,G# Triangle, or Triad above.

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