Are There Plenty of Limited Company Buy to Let Lenders, and Why You Would Buy in a LTD Company?

 Published On Dec 15, 2022

One thing which seems to concern a lot of (particularly new) buy to investors is, “if I buy into a limited company (for tax reasons) will I find a buy to let lender who’ll be prepared to lend to me?”

The answer is yes, you will (almost certainly) find a lender.

Since the introduction of S24, buying into a limited company has become much more mainstream (plenty of people were using limited companies even before S24), and many or most buy to let lenders now provide products specifically for limited companies.

It’s true that a limited company buy to let mortgage might be at a higher interest rate than a mortgage in your own name (but nowadays usually only slightly more expensive).

But what is often overlooked is, for many investors (especially those on higher rate tax) the tax advantages can more than outweigh the extra interest paid (please take advice from your accountant as to the best way to structure your property purchases).

Here's to successful property investing

Peter Jones
Author, property investor, ex Chartered Surveyor

If you'd like me to put you in touch with my very good mortgage broker to discuss any aspect of buy to let lending and mortgages, please email me:
[email protected]

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