Ask Us Anything About Myofunctional Therapy Webinar - Aug 25th 2022
Sarah Hornsby Sarah Hornsby
27.1K subscribers

 Published On Aug 27, 2022

Here's the recording of the Ask Us Anything About Myo webinar that I hosted a few days ago with Melissa Mugno.

It was a really fun and informative session, and some great questions came up in the webinar, including:

1. How much money can you make as a myofunctional therapist?
2. How do you structure payment when doing myo in a dental office?
3. Do you need to be certified to practice as a myofunctional therapist?
4. What networking and support is available after taking the MyoMentor course?
5. Do many hygienists take the course for themselves as opposed to working in a dental office?
6. Do you have an opinion on the best dental snore device to use in conjunction with myofunctional therapy?
7. Is the MyoMentor course suitable for pediatric offices?
8. Do you have a preferred brand of laser to use for frenectomies?
9. Do I need more training after the MyoMentor course before I start seeing patients?
10. What makes MyoMentor different to other myo training courses?
11. Have you ever worked with patients where their symptoms get worse after therapy?
12. Do you teach how to do myo online?

I hope you enjoy it!

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