Purchasing Ki products at Tokyo Center

 Published On Jul 15, 2022

I visited SAS Inc. Tokyo center to purchase Ki products. This video introduces various products with explanations.

Profile Masato Nakagawa
President and CEO of SAS Inc., Ltd. Shinkiko Practitioner. Chairman of "SAS Shinko no Kai". Born in Sapporo in 1961. After graduating from the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, engaged in research and development of micromachines and sensors at the laboratory of an electrical equipment manufacturer. Moved to SAS Inc. in 1993 and has been in his current position since 1995. A former chairman, his father as a founder who spreads the cosmic energy called shinkiko to the world, following the footsteps of his father who became able to produce Ki in his dreams. Books: "The World of Shinkiko -the Way to Good Health and Happiness-“ and “Ki-An Energy of Light That Fills Your Mind, Body and Soul”(Amazon kindle"https://onl.tw/aiqXWyf")

#shinkiko #Qi #Qigong #space energy #ki #reiki #SAS INC #healing #relaxation #HIGENKI #Ki #Ki products
中川雅仁 プロフィール 株式会社SAS代表取締役。気功家。「SAS真氣光の会」会長。 '1961年札幌生まれ。北海道大学工学部卒業後、電機メーカーの研究所でマイクロマシンおよびセンサー等の研究開発に従事。'93年SASに転職、'95年から現職。夢で氣が出せるようになった父の跡を継ぎ、shinkiko(真氣光)という宇宙エネルギーを世の中に広める元エンジニア。 著書:『氣づきの時代』(中央アート出版社)『こんな癒しがあった』(文芸社)『氣で生きる力が湧いてくる』(ごま書房)『氣こころ、からだ、魂を満たす光のエネルギー』(ピオ・マガジン)「絶望を希望に変える氣の力」(幻冬舎)

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