How long does it take to get pregnant? How long should I wait to start IVF? | Sepalika
Sepalika Sepalika
33K subscribers

 Published On Sep 1, 2023

How long does it take to get pregnant? What could be the reason for not getting pregnant when everything is normal? How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant?

At Sepalika, we get these questions a lot. Naturally, when you are ready to get pregnant, that's all that's on your mind. Many of our patients are in their mid 30s and fear that their biological clock is ticking and their egg reserve is dropping each month. However, what most couples don't realize that the problems they may have faced so far in their fertility journey lie beyond the reproductive system. Also, majority of them have poor foundational health and little understanding on the impact of diet, sleep and lifestyle in fertility.

At Sepalika, we help couples increase their chances of getting pregnant by building on their foundational health for the first 3 months. Whether you are trying to conceive naturally or with IVF or IUI treatments by working and fixing your foundational health and optimizing it for fertility both ovulation and chances of conception improve.

Our 6-month fertility program we identify the gaps in your fertility health and monitor your progress throughout the duration of the program. We guide couples (male and female) on how to improve their foundational health and when ready help them understand the best time to try to get pregnant.

This scientific and natural approach has helped more than 29 couples get pregnant and deliver healthy babies over the course of 3 years in Sepalika. You can be next. To speak to a health coach or know more about our programs, WhatsApp us on: +91 9867337112

Sepalika is an online clinic for natural fertility, PCOS and women's hormone health.
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