A SURVIVOR OF MESSIANIC JUDAISM – Julius Ciss Speaks Out on His 5 years as a Jew for Jesus
Jews for Judaism Jews for Judaism
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 Published On Aug 31, 2019

A SURVIVOR OF MESSIANIC JUDAISM – Julius Ciss Speaks Out on His 5 years as a Jew for Jesus

* The term “Jews for Jesus” is being used in the title of this video as an accepted generic term that describes the movement of Jews who have accepted Christianity as their religion and is not intended to refer the Christian missionary group by the same name.

Julius Ciss is the Executive Director of Jews for Judaism in Canada. He has a unique insider’s perspective on today’s growing missionary movement aimed at converting Jews.

From 1975 to 1980 Julius was deeply involved in Toronto’s Hebrew-Christian community. He was an original member of the city’s first “Messianic Synagogue” and assisted many other missionary groups across North America to convert Jews.

This extensive experience provided him with a uniquely critical insight into the emotional, spiritual and psycho-logical make-up of the many Jews who have fallen victim to deceptive missionaries. After discovering numerous inconsistencies between missionary teachings and the Hebrew Scriptures, Julius abandoned Christianity, and since 1983 has devoted himself to countering the growing threat of Christian missionary groups that target Jews. Click here to read Julius’s story:

Julius has enthralled audiences with his dramatic presentations throughout Canada, the United States and Israel and has appeared on numerous radio and television programs discussing today’s growing missionary threat. Click here to listen to him tell his story.

Through Jews for Judaism, Julius has produced and distributed counter-missionary educational materials world-wide. He has engaged in one-on-one counselling with Jews involved in Christianity; many of these individuals are now reintegrated in the Jewish community.

Julius’ accomplishments as an effective counter-missionary force come highly recommended by community workers, educators and rabbis.

SIDEBAR: For three decades, from 1975, Julius was one of the top Editorial and Advertising Illustrators in Canada and was also a much sought after Professor of Illustration at The Ontario College of Art & Design in Toronto. Click here to see some of Julius’s award-winning illustrations: https://sites.google.com/site/juliusc...

Julius retired from his illustration and teaching careers in 2004 in order to devote himself full-time to the vital counter-missionary work of JEWS FOR JUDAISM, where he is able to use his creative talents

JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an outreach organization whose primary goal is to win back to Judaism those Jews who have been influenced by the following six threats to Jewish survival that are devastating the global Jewish community.

1. Hebrew-Christian missionaries convert thousands of Jews worldwide every year
2. Destructive cults cause many Jews to abandon family, friends and careers
3. Eastern religions, Buddhism and Hinduism are spiritual choices for many Jews
4. Apathy and ignorance leave many Jews unaware, unaffiliated and assimilated
5. Intermarriage is exploding with a 75% rate in some North American cities
6. Anti-Israel BDS on campus inhibits Jewish students from standing up for Israel and Judaism

To assist non-Jews who have left other religions, JEWS FOR JUDAISM also provides educational programs to help them embrace the Torah’s Seven Noachide Laws for Gentiles.

We achieve our goals through our worldwide Internet outreach, Social Media, free educational programs, educational literature and counseling services that connect Jewish people to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism.

“I am so grateful to have discovered the wonderful Jews for Judaism YouTube lectures by Rabbi Skobac. I am a Jew who converted to Christianity in college, but now, thanks to your online outreach, I have returned to Judaism. Thank you.” – Rebecca G.

In a nutshell, Jews for Judaism saves Jewish lives and keeps Jews Jewish.

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