4 Card Monte (ACE AGE) ~ An In Depth Tutorial
Tom Matriq Tom Matriq
97.9K subscribers

 Published On Apr 14, 2017

Learn this Awesome 4-Card-Monte routine. In-depth Details on Every Move!

age (age) 1. the length of time during which a being or thing has existed; length of life or existence to the time spoken of or referred to. 2. the lifetime of an individual, or of the individuals of a class or species on an average. 3. a period of human life usually marked by a certain stage of physical or mental development. 4. one of the periods or stages of human life. 5. a particular period of history, as distinguished from others; a historical epoch.

ace (ace) 1. a single spot or mark on a card or die. 2. a card or die marked with a single spot. 3. [tennis, badminton] a. a serve which the opponent fails to touch. b. the point thus scored. 4. a very small quantity, amount, or degree; a particle. 5. a highly skilled person; an adept. 6. a fighter pilot officially credited with shooting down five or more enemy airplanes. 7. excellent; first in quality; outstanding.

Ace Age performance from June 2014:
   • 4 Card Monte ~ ACE AGE  

Elmsley Count Tutorial (MisMag822):
   • Elmsley Count TUTORIAL  

ACE AGE ~ 4 CARD MONTE (patter):
“This is a demonstration of 4 Card Monte. It’s similar to 3 Card Monte except it uses 4 cards. The concept is the same. It uses several a-like cards. In this case, it’s the 3’s, and one indifferent card, which is the king. That’s the card you need to follow. I’m going to mix these up just a little bit, but I’m going to turn them face-up, so you can clearly see where the king is. In this case, it’s 2nd from the top. If I turn the pack over, the king is 2nd from the bottom. If I reverse the order, that should bring the king 2nd from the top here, but that’s a 3. Actually, the king is on the bottom. Now if the king is on the bottom, and I reverse the order again, that should bring the king to the top. But actually it’s 2nd from the top. I’ll tell you what. Let’s eliminate one of the cards, and we’ll mix the remaining 3. And we’ll see where the king is. It’s not on the top. It’s not on the bottom. And it’s not there either. You’re probably thinking this is the king. No, that’s the master ace. The king is on the bottom over here. Now at this point you’re probably losing money, and wondering what a master ace is. This is the ace of spades. If you take a master ace and you place it in between ordinary cards, snap your fingers, it comes to the top. If you place it on the table, it comes to the top. If you place it on the bottom, it comes to the top. If you place it on the bottom again, it comes to the top again. If you place it on the table, it’s on the top. You can place it on the bottom, but it really doesn’t matter, because the master ace is always on the top.”

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