How are We Supposed to Act, Understand & Believe in Relation to Palestine?
Shariffa Carlo Al Andalusia Shariffa Carlo Al Andalusia
6.79K subscribers

 Published On Oct 31, 2023

The reality of today is that we are like the people of Mecca. We are a disjointed people who are lacking in knowledge and power.

The vast majority of practicing Muslims are scattered & powerless. Oppressors have the power, money & logistics.

As such, we need to recognise that we can not be effective unless we must:

1. Place all our trust in Allah. The strongest army to ever exist will not succeed unless Allah Wants them to. Therefore, the greatest weapon of the believer is dua. It is NOT to be undervalued.

2. Recognise that no nation can succeed without faith, knowledge & practice. We must begin by educating ourselves in true Islam, then our families & then others. When this becomes prevalent in the society, the powers that be have no choice but to succumb to the masses.

3. Must help in the available routes of today: charity to trusted sources.

4. Must recognise that we do not know Allah’s Plan & we must believe that He Knows what He is doing.

5. Must not lose hope for His Victory.

We are not helpless & we are not in control of anything other than our own beliefs and actions.

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