Q&R with Dr. Kerry Muhlestein! Tough Book of Abraham Questions

 Published On Apr 23, 2024

So there was, in 2nd century BC Egypt, an indisputable, multicultural sharing of religious ideas between Jews, Greeks, and Egyptians. How should that fact influence how we evaluate Joseph Smith’s interpretations of the Abraham facsimiles in general and individual hieroglyphics on the facsimiles specifically? On a related note, some of Joseph’s descriptions of Facsimile 2 contain temple themes, saying that more will be revealed about those in the temple. Can Egyptologists today read those hieroglyphs, and are they actually connected in any way to what we learn about in our modern temples? Also, Dr. Robert Ritner is an Egyptologist who has critiqued LDS scholarship on the book of Abraham. Has he been adequately responded to? And finally, what are the top three most solid intellectual evidences for the book of Abraham having ancient connections which Joseph Smith could not have known about? In today’s episode of Church History Matters, we dive into all of these questions and more with Dr. Kerry Muhlestein, an Egyptologist and scholar on the book of Abraham.

This is the tenth episode of our 10-part podcast series on Joseph Smith's Revelations and Translations. For a full transcript of this episode, as well as show notes and additional resources, visit our website at https://doctrineandcovenantscentral.o...

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Originally published October 24, 2023

DISCLAIMER: While we try very hard to be historically and doctrinally accurate in what we say on this podcast, please remember that all views expressed in this and every episode are our views alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Scripture Central or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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