Muslims - What We Believe In: The Day of Judgment PART 2

 Published On Streamed live on Sep 27, 2022

"This week, we will pick up where we left off from last week in our discussion of the Day of Judgement.

When we think about the Day of Judgement, usually the pictures of horror and fear pop up to our minds, as we know that is the Day when we will know whether our final destination will be the Paradise or the Fire.

However, another way we can think of the Day of Judgement is that, this is the Day when justice will be finally brought to the oppressed, the humiliation will finally come to oppressors, the best rewards will come to those who submitted to Allah SWT and the punishment will come to those who disobeyed Him ﷻ.

Questions to reflect upon:
- Based on how I am living my life, where will be my place on that Day - when no one but Allah ﷻ can help me?
- What are the good deeds that I am saving for that Day?
- Will I will finally meet Allah ﷻ and the Prophet ﷺ on this Day, or they will stay hidden from me for the eternity?

Join us in part 8 of the ""Muslims - What we believe in"" series with Dr. Sh. Haifaa Younis, as we learn about the belief in the Day of Judgement as an essential part of the Islamic creed, as well as how does this belief affect our everyday lives.

TNP time: NEW TIME: 8:30 - 9:30 PM PST
Compare your time zone HERE:
The program will be on site in Islamic center of Irvine, and live-streamed on our YouTube and Facebook pages."

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