The Final Conflict: The Omen III Music Video (Jerry Goldsmith)
SteVin89 SteVin89
2.21K subscribers

 Published On Oct 25, 2010

'The Final Conflict' is the third film in 'The Omen' series. I consider it to be the last of a trilogy that could have been great but ultimately wasn't, except for the music. The film itself isn't very good, there is some good stuff in it though. There's some well shot sequences, a good performance from Sam Neill as Damien and the great score by Jerry Goldsmith.

The story continues when Damien Thorn is an adult. Like his adoptive father he too is involved in politics, in fact he's very close with the President of the United States. As Damien's power grows so do the powers of good. Culminating in the Second Coming of Christ. Thorn knows that he has to kill Christ as an infant so that he can bring about the apocalypse. Meanwhile a group of priests has identified Thorn as the Antichrist. In their posession are the daggers of Megiddo with which they conspire to kill Damien before he can get to Christ.

The music for 'The Final Conflict: The Omen III' was composed by Jerry Goldsmith. The feel of the music is quite different from his first two scores for 'The Omen' and 'Damien'. This time he has created a much more developed theme for the evil that is Damien. The can hear that his power has grown.

'The Final Conflict: The Omen III' and its music belong to 20th Century Fox.

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