Explain By Example: Deep Learning
Explain By Example Explain By Example
1.4K subscribers

 Published On Nov 30, 2021

Yeah G'day, does anyone actually read these video descriptions these days? Or even read at all? If you do like to read, please check out my full blog at www.medium.com/@michelle.xie. Otherwise feel free to listen and watch along as I take you through deep learning using my overweight baggage experience at the airport when I travelled home during the pandemic last year.

Sorry this one took so long, as you can see it is a 14 mins video which when I watch it back doesn't feel THAT long but the hand drawn animations feels like it takes 14 decades for me to complete alongside editing. I was also busy doing some stuff at work for the past month so haven't had much time to work on this although I'm hoping this will change soon.

If you do make it through the video without falling asleep or throwing up (as I often do when reviewing my own stuff) then well done and I hope you learned something!

Thanks for watching. Remember to thumbs up/down, subscribe, and leave a comment below!

📔 Feel like reading instead? Go check out https://towardsdatascience.com/explai...
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