Sepalika Fertility Warriors: From Threatened Abortion To Healthy Delivery
Sepalika Sepalika
33K subscribers

 Published On Dec 28, 2021

Bollywood-Like Drama in Real Life Pregnancy! This statement gives you a quick insight into the situation of Megha's journey.

It started in Mid-2020:
Megha wanted to improve her period health. On enrolling in our program and going through the initial tests, we identified missing vitamins and minerals that no one told her she was deficient in. We balanced her diet. Her period issue got resolved.

In March 2021 when India was going through the 2nd Covid Wave:
Megha has missed a period and was showing classic Covid symptoms: nausea, fever, deep fatigue. Her husband had these too. Suspecting Covid, a Lung CT scan was done. She was put on a cocktail: Ivermectin, doxycyclin & antibiotics. But her symptoms didn’t abate. Hoping against hope, she took a pregnancy test & It was POSITIVE!

In April 2021:
“We need to abort,” the gynecologist said. Too many antibiotics, antivirals & radiation exposure in the scans. The baby might have developed abnormalities. Torn with this news, Megha reached for our help. Along with a second gynaec’s opinion, Sepalika advised against abortion. We decided to optimize nutrients and hormones and protect the pregnancy. The family agreed.

1st Trimester Dip:
Her progesterone was too low. There was a risk of miscarriage. We advised micronized progesterone from Dr.Vivek Kadambi, BHRT expert. It was going to take the best of Eastern & Western medicine to protect this baby.

2nd Trimester Drama:
Her hemoglobin dramatically dropped to 8. IV iron & 20 days of transfusion didn't help. A simple acupressure protocol from Sepalika made Hgb jump from 8 to 10!

3rd Trimester Possible Premature C-Sec delivery:
Placenta had matured, amniotic fluid dropped. Gynaec advised C-section in the 36th week. They prepared her. “Let’s push on,” said Sepalika. Another magnet protocol, additional coconut water, IV… and she pulled through all the way, to a full 40 weeks!

Labor Room Drama:
19 hours. Contractions weren't full or timed well. Maybe C-Section? We were on call in the labor room. A methi-seed acupressure protocol improved her contractions in 3 hours and she was ready to deliver.

A complete movie script later, a full-term bonny boy arrives naturally!

This is the magic of right diagnosis, nutrients and herbs, acupressure & power of Mother Nature in human health💫🌈💖

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