Cryptography Proofs with Ismael Hishon-Rezaizadeh, CEO of Lagrange Labs

 Published On Jul 16, 2023

As artificial intelligence (AI) technology advances, the threat of deep fakes and the subsequent loss of trust are very concerning. Who can verify the authenticity of what is real versus what is fake?

Lagrange labs have developed cryptographic proofs that allow chains to interact with each other securely without relying on opaque intermediaries.

Check out Lagrange Labs at
Twitter @lagrangedev
Ismael Twitter @Ismael_H_R

0:39 Cryptography Proofs and the State of the Internet
6:52 Cross-chain Proofs
8:53 Zero-Knowledge Proofs
11:57 The Future of the Internet in Cryptography & Proof Perspective
22:30 Low-cost Techniques in Proofs
36:55 The Future of ZK Proof

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