How to Get Rid of Larder Beetles (4 Easy Steps)
Solutions Pest & Lawn Solutions Pest & Lawn
153K subscribers

 Published On May 14, 2021 Click the link to learn how to get rid of larder beetles on your property and shop the professional-grade products featured in this video!

Shop for Reclaim IT Insecticide here!

Shop for a 1-Gallon Handheld Sprayer here!

Shop for Pro-Pest Pantry Moth & Beetle Traps here!


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Introduction: 0:00
How to Identify Larder Beetles: 0:39
How to Inspect for Larder Beetles: 1:45
How to Treat for Larder Beetles: 2:49
How to Prevent Larder Beetles: 6:00


Larder beetles are small, ovular beetles. They grow to be about ⅓ to ½ of an inch in length. They are dark brown or black in color, with a tan six-spotted band that runs across the middle of the body.
As larvae, they have hairy, color-banded bodies with contrasting colors, usually white or a light brown with a dark brown.

Adult larder beetles can overwinter inside structures, but most people who experience larder beetle infestations may notice them from late May through to June. Larder beetles invading at this time are looking for suitable locations to lay their eggs. Larder beetles prefer to lay their eggs on top of their food sources, such as meats, carcasses, or even pet food.
When looking for larder beetles, you’ll want to look through your pantry, kitchen, and anywhere else you store food, like the garage. Look through storage areas like the attic or basement and check any furs, leathers, rugs, and clothing for any small holes, as larder beetles and their larvae could eat through those materials as well. Also be on the lookout for any decaying rodents or other animal carcasses, as those are huge food sources for larder beetles.

To get rid of larder beetles and larder beetle larvae, you’ll need to start with an initial cleanup of any infested food products, clothing, or other items that may have been damaged.
First, clear out your pantry. Start by throwing out infested foodstuffs. Once those foods are tossed, proceed to remove and set aside everything else.
Next, vacuum all cracks and crevices in your pantry shelving. If your shelving is adjustable, clean out the peg holes with a toothpick and vacuum. Wipe down the pantry shelves with water to clean up any food residue. Do not use any strong cleaners or bleach.
Next, wash all fabrics with detergent, then dry them on high heat. The heat will kill any beetles, larvae, or eggs on these items. Be sure to wash clothes, bedding, towels, and other fabrics. If you have anything that can’t be washed, like silk, place them directly in the dryer.
If you’ve come across any dead insects or other dead animal carcasses, properly remove them, then proceed to clean and sterilize the site.
Once you’ve cleaned your clothes, pantry, and other sites, you’ll need to use an insecticide that’s labeled to treat larder beetles. We recommend you use a liquid concentrate made with bifenthrin, like Reclaim IT. Reclaim IT can be applied to an area once and it controls pests for up to 90 days. Plus, areas treated with Reclaim are safe for people and pets to pass through once the product’s application has completely dried.
To treat indoor spaces with this product, you’ll apply the product as a crack & crevice treatment with a mix rate of 1 fluid ounce per 1 gallon of water. This will be enough mixed solution to treat up to 1,000 square feet of the treatment area.
Spray the solution in the areas where you found larder beetle activity. Treat cracks and crevices around your pantry shelving, along baseboards, closets, around bookshelves, and other active areas where larder beetles and their larvae have been.

Since larder beetles invade structures from the outside, exclusion methods are the best way to keep insects out of your home. Use caulk and copper mesh inside & outside your structure’s perimeter to seal cracks, crevices, openings, and entryways.
Ensure that all newly stored foods are transferred from their cardboard or plastic packaging to glass or plastic airtight containers. This includes any pet food. By storing loose foods
Finally, in addition to treating the indoors with Reclaim IT, you can also create an insecticidal barrier around the outside of your home to further stop insects from invading. With Reclaim’s 90-day residual, you can reapply the product once every 3 months to keep larder beetles away throughout the year.

Click the link to learn how to get rid of larder beetles on your property and shop the professional-grade products featured in this video!

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