Patrick Huber | Dark matter, neutrinos and nukes

 Published On May 28, 2021

Speaker: Patrick Huber
Date: May 28, 2021
Affiliation: Virginia Tech
Title: Dark matter, neutrinos and nukes
Abstract: Crystal damage events such as tracks and point defects have been used to record and detect radiation for a long time and recently they have been proposed as a means for dark matter detection. Color centers can be read out optically and we propose a scheme based on selective plane illumination microscopy for sub-micron imaging of large volumes corresponding to kilogram mass detectors. This class of detectors would be passive and would operate at room temperature. I will discuss why passive detectors are attractive for security applications. They can be used to discover dark matter, measure CEvNS with reactor neutrinos, verify that no plutonium is made and that a nuclear warhead is a nuclear warhead.

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