OHBM 2023 | 3019 | Talk | Xihan Zhang | The Cellular Underpinnings of the Human Cortical Connectom…

 Published On Apr 28, 2024

Title: The Cellular Underpinnings of the Human Cortical Connectome.
Session: Oral Session
Speaker: Xihan Zhang
Abstract: The functional properties of the human brain arise, in part, from the vast assortment of cell types that pattern the cortex. The cortical sheet can be broadly divided into functionally distinct networks, which are further embedded into processing streams, or gradients, that extend from the unimodal systems through the higher-order association territories. Initial work suggests a link between spatial patterns of cellular organization and in vivo properties of brain functioning observed in fMRI (1), thorough investigations of the cellular underpinning of functional organization properties remain uncharacterized. Here, using transcriptional data from the Allen Human Brain Atlas (AHBA) and single-cell data collected by Lake et al., we demonstrate that imputed cell type distributions are strongly spatially coupled to the in vivo functional organization of the cortex.

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