TAP Time: Tred Avon Players Liz Clarke and Cavin Moore on "Vanities"

 Published On Apr 12, 2024

Last week, director Liz Clarke and actor Cavin Moore stopped by the Spy Studio to talk about their play production Vanities, which opens next weekend at the Oxford Community Center. 

It follows the lives of three Texas women, Kathy (Roegan Bell), Mary (Shae Ann Reid), and Joanne (Cavin Alexandra Moore) from their high school cheerleading days in the 1960s through their adulthood in the 1970s. The play explores the evolving dynamics of their friendship as they navigate through various milestones and challenges, including marriage, careers, and personal growth.

Both Liz and Cavin talk about how relatable the story was for both of them as they remember their own friendships in the past and the unique phases of those relationships.

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