How to Stay Pain Free

 Published On Apr 9, 2024

If you could prevent pain and loss of mobility from occurring... why wouldn't you want to do this?
Some possible reasons may be that you don't know how to do this ... or you don't have the time and resources to put towards it? Or maybe you just haven't experienced significant pain and disability before, so it's not a priority?
Take a moment to ponder how important good health is is for you...
Most people who see us for treatment are already in pain or cannot move well. We fix them, and give them strategies to prevent a recurrence. One of these strategies is education on how and why the strain that caused their pain, can build up in their body over time.
And this is why we have developed a specific clinical program around prevention... it's called our Prevention and Optimisation Program, or POP for short!

In the video below, Graham explains how it works.

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