How to stake a mining claim, Mining claim procedures, How to make money staking mining claims

 Published On Apr 5, 2019

This video explains how to stake a mining claim on federal land, including where you can stake these claims and where you cannot. Some people have made millions doing this, you should consider it for yourself. You can claim the mineral rights to gold, silver, copper, gemstones and many other mineral commodities for a small fee. Part 2 of this series can be found at:
   • Staking your own claims, Part 2 - out...  
I strongly recommend that you take the time to read carefully two free documents that can be downloaded on the internet. Both of these are short pamphlets which should be read by all those who would like to learn more about US mining claim law, as they have lots of useful info:
The first is a BLM document on mining claims:
• “Mining Claims and Sites on Federal Lands,” edited by Kathy Rohling, layout and design by Janine Koselak; BLM National Science and Technology Center; published by the BLM, P-048 (available for free download on the Internet at: ).
The second is made for filing claims in Nevada, but the vast majority of the info is based on federal claim laws which are the same in all the states:
• “Mining Claim Procedures for Nevada Prospectors and Miners,” by Keith G. Papke and David A. Davis; Special Publication 6, Published 2002 by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (available for free download on the Internet at: ).
For those who want to learn more about finding gold check out my book, Fists full of Gold. It’s an encyclopedia of everything on the topic of prospecting. Like the video says, it’s available on Amazon. (Affiliate) You can find it at:
For even more information on prospecting, minerals, gems and other related information you can also check out my website at:

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