How to search for a Trademark in India?
Vakilsearch Vakilsearch
37.5K subscribers

 Published On Oct 3, 2013

FREE Trademark search is just 2 clicks away!

Thinking of a #TrademarkRegistration in India? And wondering whether your brand has been #trademarked or not? TRADEMARK SEARCH is the answer. Searching for your trademark is not only simple, it's also FREE.

You just need two things to search for a Trademark.
1. Your brand name or Slogan or Tagline
2. The class in which you could like to protect your brand

#TrademarkSearch in #India works on Classes or Categories. There are 45 different Trademark Classes in India under which your brand can be protected. The list of trademark classes can be found at

We hope that you can now search for a trademark all by yourself.

How to search for a trademark?

1. You can search for your trademark in India in less than 60 seconds and that too for free.
2. First, go to Google and search for a trademark public search.
3. Then click on the first search result.
4. Let's say, we search for a trademark like Coca-Cola, then you need to enter the class details. 5. You can find the class details here. Coca-Cola falls in the category of aerated waters which is class 32.
5. So I enter class 32 and then hit search. That's it. You get the result in 60 seconds.

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