Bushcraft Camp - Stacked Log Walls, Knot Work, Original Axe | Entry 3 - Building Camp Deadhorse

 Published On Nov 11, 2022

After nearly a year away, I return to Camp Deadhorse and pick up the building series right where I left off last fall. In this entry, I get to work using my axe, knife, and handmade bowsaw by cutting, sharpening, and bevelling over 30 stake logs. I pounded them into the slightly frozen ground along the shelter's frame using my old mallet, and tied them in place at the top with jam knots to prevent them from spreading apart. After, I used the logs stashed in my wood pile, and cut and fitted over 46 of them to the shelter by stacking them in-between the stakes and cutting the roof's angle onto their ends, resulting in a tight fitting and strong supporting wall all around the shelter, and getting one huge step closer to this camp finally being usable to sleep in.

Amazingly, not a single thing changed at camp in the time I was away from the project. The shelter's frame is as sturdy as the day I built it, the mallet is still together well, and the saw is still sharp - although the spruce branch has lost some spring in it from drying out over the year. I'm glad to be back working on this little project, and seeing the walls up after all the time spent collecting and fitting those logs was well worth the wait. Keep an eye out for the next entry in the series, it will be a cold one!

Thanks for watching,
- Nicholas


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