4 Things I Stopped Doing As a Minimalist: Simplify Your Life & Home
Simplicity Plus Simplicity Plus
1.25K subscribers

 Published On Mar 19, 2024

In this episode, I'm excited to share 4 things I stopped doing as a minimalist. These minimalist changes have not only simplified my space but also brought a profound sense of peace and clarity to my life. Minimalism or minimalist aesthetics may not be for everyone, but decluttering can benefit anyone. If you're looking for tips and ways to spend less time cleaning or simplify your life, definitely watch this!

First, let's talk about under-bed storage. I used to cram all sorts of things under the bed, but after a leak in our home forced us to clear it out, I reclaimed our bedroom as a sanctuary for sleep.

Next, I discuss the pitfalls of bulk buying and how it led to excess clutter. Shifting away from bulk buying allowed me to regain control over my consumption and save money in the long run.

Then, I share how I decluttered our kitchen counter, sticking only to essentials and reducing visual clutter.

Lastly, I said good bye to our rug, simplifying our cleaning routine and finding a balance between comfort and convenience.

Join me on my minimalist journey as I continue to discover the benefits of living with less. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and stay tuned for future updates. Thanks for watching — your support means the world to me!

[DISCLAIMER] While I recognize that everyone is in different life stages with unique needs, I'm here to share my personal journey and the insights I've gained from embracing minimalism and decluttering. It's ultimately up to each individual to decide what possessions to keep and what to let go of. For me, simplifying and having fewer possessions has had a profoundly positive impact, bringing me a sense of peace and clarity in life.

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